
By MumOf4Wildlings


I tell you that having 4 wildlings is tiring.  You think everyone is sleeping better through the night and then it goes Pete Tong . Lincoln has been sleepwalking recently.  Yesterday I heard footsteps and came downstairs,  and there he was on the sofa. He was sleeping,  well his eyes open etc. But let's just say that today I have had to buy a waterproof bed sheet for my sofa to go under the sofa cover. He had no recollection this morning about what happened. 

We have had a good family day. We went out a few times together.  Park play, a walk, hoverboard fun snd then a family bike ride. Xander has been fine all week now coming out in hives because its been raining.  But literally 15 mins at the park and he flares up in hives again all over his body.  I've tried his new antihistamines and they have settled it down. 

Its bath night for them which is always a hoot for Carson.  More water ends up on the floor. 

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