Sheep's Bit

Spotted on an evening walk with Meg along the lanes above Rhydyronen.  

After a wet and windy start it turned into a better day than I had expected.   After a disturbed night, I had a slow start before spending the morning doing some cleaning and tidying.   These days with Jamie away and no-one visiting are a chance to catch up on chores.  I had the Tour on TV too and a lazy lunchtime before starting work sorting through my bulb collection.   Too many pots.  In an attempt to do less but do it better ..... Hah! we'll see ..... I'm going to plant a lot of the bulbs into the new raised bed in the front garden.   That'll still leave hundreds of pots in the frames and greenhouse though.  I'll need to curb my enthusiasm for sowing seeds if I'm to cut back.   

Meg's walk, during which I listened to the last set of that tennis match, then tea before an hour at pottery finishing the rather complex glazing on the fishy vase.  I fed Jamie's gecko on the way home and now should get an early night as I'm working tomorrow.

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