Sweet Peas

Catching the late afternoon sunshine.

A busy work day at Aber Cafe.  Added entertainment in the form of a trainload of local school children who reappeared after a hike, all needing an ice-cream, a drink, a cake or a combination thereof.  A little forward thinking on my part saw the teachers bring them back a bit before the day's busiest train arrived but we were still clearing their queue as the next one formed!   A very busy hour.  One of the other staff in today is new and, like me, not in the first flush of youth ... I find learning new skills takes longer than it used to.  Very glad of a third pair of hands at lunchtime.

An unusual blipmeet after work with Lovetrees who I met the last time she was in the area.   She was my trainee guard when I last worked in that role.  We'd passed during the day but I was too busy to stop and chat.  Our paths crossed again as I took the keys and cash back to Tywyn and we shared a few minutes over a cuppa on the seafront.  We'll meet up again soon :-)

Home to Mum who had been minding Meg this afternoon and Chris turned up as I was about to prepare our tea.  He brought food some of which was added to mine, making enough to share and as we started eating Ruth dialled in and joined us remotely for what has become an extended family chat.   Time to disperse soon and take Meg out for a walk.  Sun still shining so it's a lovely evening for it.

Wish you could smell the Sweet Peas.

Edit: This wonderful milestone blip made me smile

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