
By H22

Place: St Pete Beach FL 79/90
Main activity: Sun - misc
Notes: Slept long and very groggy when I woke well after 7a. Tried for a run, but same L knee issue as last week as soon as I go into a jog (otherwise, all feels perfectly fine!). Stopped immediately and took Zoe out for a walk instead. Got in the pool, morning had a nice coolness and the water was much less warm and felt better. Beautiful house and pool - pic from the back. Heard from Bette first thing asking about coffee and me coming over - was not happy about that on "my" Sunday. She also asked about me going to Trader Joe's (so I can get her stuff) ... very annoyed at the constant manipulation and being used. Needless to say, I made coffee only for me (just have enough stuff for myself anyway for the few days I'm here). Nice leisurely morning here w/ my coffee and Sunday morning show and then ~1130a took Zoe to the beach on the golf cart. She wore herself out quickly ... and so hot. Tried to go when clouds were covering but it cleared off quickly. Back and got in pool again, then laid down and rest for about 40 min w/ affirmations. Got up then and made eggs, sauteed zucchini and 1/2 croissant. Pool here at night (and during day) is so beautiful! When I was here last in Feb, the pavers were just going in and it wasn't filled yet or had any tile. Got back in pool around 7p and then showered, Zoomed a bit w/ Jo. Again, quite tired - think it's all the extra time in the heat.

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