
We were told that the gas people would need access to our house from 8am in order to connect a pipe from the new gas main to the house, and then check that there were no leaks. Consequently, we were up and about at the unearthly hour of six o’clock to ensure we were showered and breakfasted in good time.
So, it was somewhat annoying that at 9 o’clock, nothing had happened except we were once again barricaded in the house whilst they started filling in the trench I blipped on Saturday! This delayed my planned early trip to Barrow (coffee with Stu and a new amp to order) so by the time I got back they had connected the pipe and were in the process of checking everything was working properly. Apparently very pleased our meter was on the outside wall and that, although our boiler is in the loft, said loft is fully boarded out with a proper ladder and lighting.
We had to go out for a bit after lunch - absolute nightmare trying to get in and out of our road due to all the work that was going on. Only just managed to squeeze back on to the drive when we returned, at which point we just gave up on the day and had a nap to catch up on the sleep we’d missed this morning.
After the workmen had gone for the day, I went to have a look at the hole to see what had been done. As far as I can tell, they’ve just shoved a new thin pipe inside the (wider) old one and then bunged a bit of tape around the join. Of more concern is that the big clay pipe which used to be around the water stop cock is now just lying on the side of the hole. One would hope that this will all be reinstated when the hole is filled in. To be fair, the trench is looking pretty good and just needs its top layer of tarmac now, so one assumes the hole will be similarly dealt with.
I’m hoping they’ll not be as disruptive tomorrow morning - we need to be away by 9 as we’re off for a cruise on Ullswater, including lunch at Pooley Bridge. At least we know they’ll have gone by the time we get home though!

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