Finding My Bearings

By JustJuli

Herding cats!

Last week, the agency phoned and asked if I’d help out at a summer camp at a posh private school ten minutes from home. I really didn’t want to go to work at all this week but the call threw me off a bit and I said yes.

My first day today consisted of greeting kids at 8.30am and then handing them back to their parents at 5.30pm. In between, it was full-on, as I helped run activities for twelve 5 to 7-year-olds who are on their summer holidays now as private schools broke up last week. Two didn’t want to let go of my hands, one kept hugging me, another kept kissing my arm and they all seemed to want to do something different. All they really wanted to do was eat all the time and no way would you want to go into the toilets after them - not without a gas mask, anyway!

I’m absolutely knackered, everything aches, and I have no idea how I’m going to do this for another four days!

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