A Patient Cat Catches da Rabbit

A shower first thing, remained fairly cloudy most of the day, with some sunny spells.  Fairly breezy all day.  A tad chilly tonight.

Up at 5am, holidays over and headed to work in the airport.  A busy day on the check-in, with our morning Aberdeen flight going tech.  Popped by Laura's on my way home.  Finding my foot sore again tonight, but I did manage a walk with friend Julie.  Nippy in the house tonight, the fire is on. 

Arriving to Laura's and an extremely warm welcome from Olly, as usual.  Harald can be happy to see me sometimes, but it's always on his terms.  Today he was not impressed to see me.  Harald was busy sitting by the garden shed, waiting patiently for the family of rabbits to make an appearance, they must have recently moved in.  Every now and again, Harald would look over in disgust at the racket me and Olly were making.  We headed in for a cuppa, it wasn't long before Harald's patience ran out and he came back in.  Taken outside Laura's, Blett Road, Cunningsburgh.  

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