Breakfast time for the bunnies and chooks!!

Busy day.

Took the dogs to the kennels for R as she has a couple of long working days and cannot get home to walk and feed them after school. She will collect them on Wednesday. The girls happily jumped in to the boot of our car and Rags (tempted by a couple of biscuits) curled up by my feet for the short drive to the kennels.

The owners have a collection of animals which appear to cohabit reasonably well, but I did see a duck chasing a poor little rabbit under a pile of sticks!!

We then carried on home, a couple of hours down the A1.

A quick unpack, some lunch and in a few minutes we will need to get changed to get the coach in to London to see a show. The Theatre Group from the village normally have seats on a Tuesday, but this time it is Monday.

This is a manic week!! everything has been brought forward and crammed into a few days. A "sorting out" day tomorrow and then over to Worcester on Wednesday.

What are we going to see this evening? Will tell you all about it tomorrow!!!

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