Leaving do

The lady on the right is leaving the school where she was head teacher for 17 years taking the school from requires improvement to good. From a very low base after several years of different acting heads she transformed the school and is now moving on to be executive head of two local primary schools.

I served as vice chair of governors for several years during the transformation only retiring when we’d achieved that well deserved grade.

Susan has a long association with the school too, joining the staff in 1986 and continuing full time until 2009 seeing unprecedented change from a small junior school to a large primary with all the changes that affected our primary schools, not always for the better, in later years.

She had a great time catching up with people she worked with over the years and it was lovely for me to catch up with the Chair of Governors from our time on the governing body.

It’s probably the last time we’ll visit, so it was the end of an era.

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