
By Beewriter

Last Day

A holiday starts with all the expectations of sun, good food, drinks, the sea, burning sand, great company, laughs and damn mozzi bites. It starts slowly then hurtles at speed towards the end. Today is that end. We have had a lovely time. We have laughed and there have been a few tears as we remembered Terry. How can it have been a year?? Dalyan is our ‘go to’ destination, a beautiful place and full of happy times and memories.

The heatwave was especially brutal today as temperatures reached 49° in the town. We stayed by the pool all day…actually we spent the day mostly in the pool. Late afternoon we went to the restaurant on the river and ate as the boats chugged by, off on their trips across the lake.

We were picked up at 8 and joined all the queues through checks at the airport. There were lots of flights delayed but ours was on time…hurrah.

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