Get them Young!

The weather was kind this morning, a tad breezy but sunny. There was the usual early swimming and handstand display, someone got stung by a jellyfish but hopefully with antihistamine lotion to hand it won’t be too painful and after a hot shower I was ready to savour the delights of Shopping Week. It seemed the whole of the town was out- it’s a fine time for the children with the many attractions of a fair. 
I came upon this little group of toddlers doing their highland dancing just as it was finishing, but they were very enthusiastic in their performance and their bowing at the end was exemplary.

I sat for a while upstairs in the library with a book but with the window giving me a perfect view of what was going on beneath me in the street there was very little reading done.

After lunch with the weather clouding over but still dry, I made the mistake of going for a walk to Copeland’s Dock on the other side of Hamnavoe without a raincoat. Just as I got to the furthest point of the walk the rain arrived, a gentle misty rain which soon became heavier, so that I was soaked in my  down jacket minus hood. I was so drookit that I rewarded myself with a poke of chips from one of the street vans in action. Do I regret that lapse? Of course I do , but I did enjoy them as my hair dripped rain and my glasses needed miniature windscreen wipers.


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