99 F/37 C

It looks like one more
sizzling summer day is
coming on for us


In a chat with my daughter last evening, she mentioned my husband's cousins who live up the hill beside the Kamloops Chinese Cemetery. So, that gave me the inspiration to go have a look there today.

My last visit to this cemetery was in snow a couple of years ago. I explained some of the history of this unique cemetery. (Feb/21) 

For many years, this cemetery was neglected and forgotten. Today, I see that a great deal of cosmetic work has been done and more is underway. The Chinese community is taking great pride in its place in our history and their contributions to Canada. 

I'd hoped one of the cousins might have popped out their door for a chat with me, but I didn't see anyone. I got my shots and headed home with a stop for some breakfast on the way.

I'm home with my feet up again today. Perhaps I can get some sewing done today. 

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