One More Hibiscus

Hubby left to pick up the camper before I got up. There were some type of biting bugs down there so he called asking me to meet him with some anti itch medicine. From there, I went to my sister’s and picked her ripe produce: red and yellow tomatoes; red, yellow, orange and green sweet peppers; a few beans and one zucchini. They will be shared with my children. This beautiful garden is at my sister’s. The rains have kept it lush in her absence. I stopped at the grocery store on the way home. On his way back from Bowie, Hubby picked me up to take the camper back to Ridge. I made up a goodie bag to take to my mother : beans, tomatoes, peppers, bear claws, dark chocolate peppermint patties and a pot roast lunch. She should be set for a few days. We stopped to get lunch on the way home. I’d say we had a pretty successful day. Hope you can say the same. Thanks for visiting. Stay safe. “The Hibiscus is known as ‘the flower of one thousand and one nights’. It also means dream…It symbolizes strength, power, beauty…” -Jennifer Lopez

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