
No need to get up early so I didn’t. Hubby likes to get the coffee made, say his morning prayers and read e-mail first thing so he did. He donned biking clothes and rode 6 miles on his e-bike. My hip has been acting up so I had an easy day. Cleaned up the vegetable garden, picked tomatoes, and waited for these “bugs” to cooperate. The bee is a bald-faced aerial Yellowjacket according to Seek. It looks lethal. Not sure about the little one, Seek could not identify it. It was so warm outside again, I was drenched so I couldn’t wait to shower. I did a bit of housecleaning and have been lazy the rest of the day. Renee came by to get fresh vegetables and brought a low cal lunch for us. We’ll have baked pork chops for dinner so that is my next task. Wishing you an easy day. Sometimes, it is just what we need to revitalize. Thanks for the visit. Be safe. “I'm not a bug person, but something about butterflies I can handle because they're kind of cute”. ~ Sabrina Claudio

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