Harbour wall

It's another Shandwick blip, because there definitely won't be another one for a further week, or so, as I'm away on my travels from tomorrow.

I found today exceptionally productive. I managed to figure out the argument for the paper I have set myself to write this summer, and to organise the materials I have so that I know what to read next. I also managed to get down 1000 words of the projected 6000 they have asked for.

In and amongst, I answered a few emails and had a couple of teams meeting, the second one for venting purposes....

I also managed a fair bit of weeding and then - in response to a post on Facebook - popped up to our local garden centre and bought a couple of new arrival perennials. It was busy up there, and the lady who served me said she'd asked Kevin, the owner, if he had put something on Facebook as there were a lot of people coming in and buying specifically what had come in today. Er, yes, he said. Oh dear, FB works - and not just for me....I now think the planting on the upper level can stay as it is for a while, to see how things develop. Next week, if I get a chance, I need to get back up there and try and dig out the other three stumps I'd like to see the back of.

The only thing I would change would be that it was rather cold in the sea, so I'm not especially warm, in places, at the moment. I've had to put a blanket on my knees. Even the Loch Migdale swimmers were complaining about how cold the water is. I guess a lot of that comes down to the amount of rain and the paucity of sun we've experienced over the last week or so.

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