Paddy The Plumber

As Mrs S and Sam headed out of the house, off to St Ives for the day, so the plumber pulled up, not even 8:30!

We have had on-off trouble with the boiler for a while, after twenty-six years in service it’s only to be expected I guess, so time to replace.
Paddy seemed curious, not overly so, not enough to keep him out of the garden, lazing in the sun until the plumbers hammer drill started when he installed the flue.
It was a whole day installation, my part, to keep up a steady supply of tea which I managed to do.
All finished by 4:30pm, Paddy and I walked to the pub to catch up with a friend over a half or two before finishing our walk and enjoying dinner.
Aside from the now continual supply of hot water by the time the ladies arrived home you would never have known that the plumber had been.

At one point during the evening I thought of delving into the ‘pile’ of recordings on the Sky Box but instead opted for my book.

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