A town of Churches

Mahone Bay where we stayed on Thursday night is a pretty little town known for its churches, there is one point where 3 can be seen all lined up on the water front, here are two. The churches are very pretty, all wooden and well looked after.
It was just starting to rain when we left Mahone and headed south and the rain got worse.  We had to pull over several times as the storm raged above us with lightning streaking the sky and thunder which made the car vibrate.
It's the beginning of a new day now, the storm which went on all night seems to have passed although it is still raining.  Our huge big house is set in a woods which at the, moment seems to be surrounded by a lake  l can hear some creature scrabbling about outside, l guess a racoon, this is the stuff that scary movies are made  of.
Extra is one of a group deer I spied earlier.

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