Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Famous for five wet hours

When we were in Lisbon I received a rather strange request to help with a music video that needed someone to act the part of a wizard. That was subsequently altered to a mysterious suited and booted figure in a hat, carrying a strange book and communing with nature. Anyway, I spent five hours this morning filming with a crew of talented young creators. This involved climbing in and out of rowing boats (which I don’t like), acting weirdly (easy for me), and getting wet (unavoidable). 

Anyway it was a unique and very interesting experience and of course there is now a long process of editing to go through. When it finally surfaces I will post a link to YouTube. I have no acting experience but did my best to follow direction. Hopefully I will have performed adequately.

After that lot I was of course knackered but the rest of the day involved TSM and I having some time to catch up, which was lovely. 

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