Marsupium Photography

By magi


Early start to catch the train down South. It makes no difference timewise getting to South Germany from Berlin or Edinburgh. It is a lot easier to simply catch a train. As a bonus I had 1.5 hours in Nürnberg between trains. I made sure to check out the Schöner Brunnen (the nice well) from the 14th century (see extra) at the main market. I didn't wait to get a go of turning the mysterious bronze ring. Also rediscovered the Ship of Fools which is very much relevant today warning us against war and the destruction of the environment (other extra). Eventually arrived at my parents. In the evening I went to my old school for their annual summer party to catch up with people from my class. It was really nice to see them, many I hadn't seen since school.

More pictures from Nürnberg on flickr.

Update: totally forgot to add that I finished book #12, Autokerrektur by Katja Diehl on mobility and car centric society. I don't need convincing that we should collectively change our habits and rely less on cars wherever possible.  Nevertheless, the book was quite an eye-opener on how many people do not have a choice but would like to be less reliant on cars: safety in public spaces, cost, lack of alternatives, having to care for sick family, etc. I do feel very privileged being able to chose not to have a car. The book is highly recommended, albeit only in German.

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