Loughborough Carillon on its 100th Birthday

The Carillon in Loughborough was built as a memorial to the dead of World War I. Loughborough celebrated its 100th birthday yesterday with a peal of its bells and a new tune from the carillonneur. Very sadly, it poured hard with rain during the ceremony. I did not go.

But Len, Basil and I did go to Queens Park this afternoon to listen to the concert by the Charnwood Concert Band. They were good and it was extremely enjoyable. See extra. The flowers looked even better on this occasion than the last, although if you got up close, you'd see that many had not been dead-headed.

Leaving the park, I fell into conversation with two band members who told me about a concert being put on at Emanuel Church in September. It will be cabaret style so we can order our own table and bring our own nibbles and booze. Sounds good.

I'm pleased to say that my heart rate has gone back down to the low (ish) 70s, although I shall take blippers' advice and go to a doctor.

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