
By Chops13

Stairway to H….

These summer cottages were the subject of a previous Blip, from a different point of view.

There is no practical access to them, nor any of the 14 others, except the stairs. A water approach is very wide and very shallow and has scattered, large rocks. Vehicle access to the beach was once an emergency option but is now virtually impossible.

The mind boggles if a large appliance needed to be replaced. It calls to mind the Laurel and Hardy movie ‘The Piano’.

If had one of these, this is how I think it might go-
My daughter JJ likes to cook dinners and the results are delicious. I am always the ‘sous chef’, which I think is French for ‘gofer’.

‘Dad, we are out of shallots and we really need them! Can you run to the store?’
‘Before I go, is there anything else we need?’
‘Nope…that’s all’

15 minutes later…

(Puff, puff) ‘Here they are.’ (Gasp!)
‘Thanks dad. Sorry, I didn’t realize we are out of Oyster Sauce and this recipe MUST have it! Can you run up and get it?’
(Wheeze) ‘OK.’

30 minutes later…
‘DAD! What took you so long?’
‘I stopped at the realtor…this place is now For Sale!’

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