Tithonia (I think)

I sent a picture of this to M today - she gave me some seedlings earlier this year and I was not sure what it was.  Although orange flower in a pink border is giving me anxiety?!

OH went to Brands Hatch today to watch the superbikes.  I pottered and then visited No.1 this afternoon.  Good journey there and back and the short cut was more scenic and quicker.  She was in good spirits and we sat outside on the terrace (lovely roof top garden - and we agreed that all hospital wards should have access to outside space as it is such a tonic).  I helped her shower and wash her hair but didn't have condition to help with the tangles (post operation) so will take some with me tomorrow.

I had prepared a chicken casserole before going to hospital this morning so that and rice was an easy dinner.  Not sure what TV we will watch tonight but I have vetoed, Grand Prix, Golf, Tour de France.  Maybe the Wham documentary will be a compromise - he can watch sport when I go to bed!  I have started a new book called the Cleaner of Chartres which is looking promising.

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