Vertiginous Viewpoint.

Walked over to the car after breakfast, then headed towards Ullapool.  We stopped on the way to visit the light at Rhue, another spot we've driven past countless times but I've never visited.
We had lunch in Ullapool, the drove along to Corrieshalloch Gorge.  It's many years since we visited, and the National Trust for Scotland have just built a new visitor centre, new access paths, and a new viewing platform.  The walk is very pleasant, through recreated native woodland with a number of smaller falls on the way.  You reach the main falls by passing over on a suspension bridge, looking straight down at the torrent - truly dizzying.  The path then continues to the new viewpoint which gives some perspective on the scale of the gorge and suspension bridge.  The viewing platform has a grate floor which you can see through 60m straight down to the bottom of the gorge!  CyclopsJnr was not at all bothered as the photo shows.  The extras show the falls and bridge from the viewing platform, and the viewing platform from the bridge.
Next we went for a swim in Ullapool, which was great fun.  CyclopsJnr befriended another child and they played for ages so we ended up staying an hour and a half before enjoying proper shower on the way out.
We stopped at the shop on the way back to get some salmon for dinner (to compensate for our fishing failure yesterday) which we ate with buttered baby potatoes and sweetcorn.  Delicious.  We also had some wickedly good fresh chocolate cookies.

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