
By H22

Place: Largo FL  77/91 > Chicago  >  Fairbury, IL 70/92
Main activity: Tues - travel, lots 
Notes: Didn't sleep well, up 4a, left the house 439a. Easy drive and airport, had plenty of time to wait. On-time flights, stopped in Columbus and then a few min early into Chicago. Couldn't sleep on the flights, had to wait a bit for a car to be clean, got an Altima with FL plates! Pulled into Mom and Dad's just after noon. Had to rest a bit but still couldn't sleep much. Mom and I to Mexican then for taco salad and tried the new ice cream/shaved ice. Stopped at Once 'n Again and the shop. Mom having gut issues after Mexican. Dad home for dinner and later we took a country drive by the old house and all things south. Saw these amazing turkeys who all flocked towards the car and were all gobbling! Back and went to bed early. 

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