Great Mell Fell

Windswept, spooky trees,
steep slopes under slippy feet.
Misty summit views. 

Eventful morning of trying to change Ben's new Omnipod and all the systems started alarming and causing panic.  I ended up reverting to the old system as I thought I'd run out of pods but then found a magical spare in a zip compartment.  Hallelujah!  It took us until nearly 11am to get out and about!
We went to Great Mell Fell but the weather was not the finest.  It started OK, just drizzle but we were full on 'in the clouds' by the end!  I was a bit twitchy but Mr KCNQ2Haiku is braver than me, so he kept me going.  Ben struggled a bit under foot but we got there and it did feel like an achievement :-)  At one point a little toad crossed our path! See extras - much fun!  Leo had a ball jumping in and out of the ferns.  
Then this afternoon it has been low key, tidying for going home and eating cake, I was able to do a little bit of reading whilst Ben had his iPad but it was short lived!  
Easy pizza and wine for last tea and home tomorrow.  Lovely holiday :-)

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