transmission only mode..

By Mobius

The Overview


A term used to describe the influence exerted onto astronaughts on seeing our Earth from outer space re the importance of eco, one-world etc

The amazing Gaia by Luke Jeram and music by Dan Jones at Southwell Minster. Fittingly Bluedot Music Festival, sited at Jodrell Bank telescope were co-sponsors. 

The words of astronaughts, and David Attenborough also featured as well as some white noise of a crowd of different languages also featured. I enjoyed hearing the words of young children on the soundtrack today, so I guess the original has been amended.  

Gaia – Luke Jeram and Dan Jones – Gloucester Cathedral

I also had tickets for The King and parents.....He managed a bath and play out of his his hospital bed yesterday, so a welcome respite for for now.

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