Cheek & Spit

When I was a lad my bike was never out of my sight unless it was locked and I locked it using galvanised chain and a combination padlock. In the days before cordless power tools that was always sufficient. I also always carried a puncture repair kit, bike spanner and pump. In the event of a puncture I took the wheel and tyre off and used a puddle if there was one to find the leak if not the feel air on the cheek gave you and idea of where the leak was before a bit of spit bubbling with escaped air let you know where it was precisely, you fixed it and made your way home.
This bike has been left here for around a week, eventually the council will pick it up and dispose of it, such a shame, it obviously cost someone to buy it. I have been tempted to put a repair kit in my pocket and fix it but I doubt Paddy would sit still long enough.

A second week off from the rugby club and I’m stepping back a little from the Epic rowing, still rowing but not being drawn into wrangling. It’s taken a while but I’m getting there.

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