The Big Chair

Thanks for your kind comments about Rory. He seemed a lot better today. They are still unsure about the root cause of his pneumonia, if that is what it is, thinking it might be a viral infection. That would explain why the antibiotics don't seem to be clearing things up, but they are continuing with them anyway to cover both possibilities.

We've had some fun exploring today. He had to be in a wheelchair as although he can walk OK they won't let him as he has a cannula in his foot and they are worried walking might dislodge it. He took us to 'the healing room' with 'the big chair'. I was disappointed there was nothing on 'the big TV'.

After two days in the hospital we have worked out how to use the lifts. They don't have any buttons on the inside for the floors. You have to highlight the floor you want on a screen by the lifts, and that tells you which lift you should use, which is then programmed for the floor you want. Not all lifts go to all floors. To get to the restaurant from Rory's ward on floor 7 you have to take a lift to the ground floor, walk half a mile to another set of lifts and request one for floor 5. I'd love to see a plan of the hospital. 

Sorry I have no time for your journals and comments at the moment, will catch up later in the week.

One year ago: 
Newark Park

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