
By DepressedDiva

My jungle

Today I have spent the day at the house.I’ve been productive but I’m tired, sweaty and sore now. I’ve done all my washing by hand, made a washing line to dry it on.

I’ve also sorted a bit more of one room and come up with a proper plan of action for the rest of my stay here.

I do admit I’ve brought forward my flight home. Two weeks is long enough to put up with no indoor plumbing and the heat. I want my own bed now and my home comforts. When the house is done I’ll love staying here but until then I think short visits are needed.

Plan for tomorrow is to source insect repellent and mosquito nets because I am being eaten alive right now. I did almost post a picture of my poor legs that are basically one big bite. Decided you didn’t need to see that!

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