By greengirl


I managed to finish off all the mowing this evening before the rain started. Hurrah! Now I can go away later this week knowing that it won't look like a jungle when I get back.

Remembering how good it made me feel last Sunday, I decided this morning to try the pool again. I booked slot for public swimming, thinking it would be a bonus to get in 10 lengths before the hordes arrived, but they never did and I ended up doing 40, so earned my sauna.

I took the dogs down to Routin Brig after lunch and they spent ages in the water so were hungry and now Otter is fast asleep. It won't be long until I am as well.

The phlox was given to me some years ago by my Mum and is doing well. We had some in the garden when I was a teenager and the scent takes me back...happy times :-)

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