Can You See My Wings?

For one reason or another, hubby and I got about two hours of sleep last night. I have been tempted to try Melatonin but don’t want to feel sluggish all day like I do taking night time cold medicine. Parker asked me to take him to 9:00 Mass. I’ve told the grands I will always put aside what I might have planned if they want to go to church. Today was no exception. Before we left, I managed to get up and partially pack the food in coolers. The sermon was spot on for today’s teen - we must live our life as if that isn’t all there is. Parker said he’d like to start going regularly. Thank you Lord! Baby steps. I watered my basement plants when I got home. This specimen fluttered about outside the French doors. I took many photos; this was the clearest. Their wings are so transparent; I tried many angles to get a better view. Hubby and I ate a quick breakfast, finished packing the truck and the camper and were on our way by 1:20, about an hour later than we planned. Millie snuggled down in her carrier and seemed to enjoy the ride. We saw a small accident not long after leaving home and ran into a bit of Sunday interstate traffic but otherwise it was a pleasant trip (what I saw anyway). We are about three miles from the campground. Thought I’d publish early because we are going to be busy for the next few hours. Enjoy nature; it is amazing. Thanks for the visit. Stay safe. "Despite its dark veins, the transparency of dragonfly’s wings assures me of a pure, innocent world." - Munia Khan

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