Plus ça change...

By SooB

Tick, tick, tick.

The final tick on my list of work was very very satisfying. Finally it's all done and sent off for some clever folk to do clever programming stuff and then we'll have a product to sell... and just wait for the money to roll in.... (we're currently anticipating at least £1.98).

Having been chained to photoshop for the last 2 days without break, I have learnt some things:

1. A career in graphics is not the cushy number I once thought it might be (and I definitely don't want one)

2. An 80GB laptop is really not very good for anything much.

3. Wine gums can help get you through almost any kind of day (or night).

4. There are two kinds of .png files.

5. Time goes extra slow when the little blue Vista circle is spinning as a tiny laptop struggles on bravely.

So now I can just kick back and relax with the pile of ironing, cleaning and giving attention to children that has built up in my absence as a member of the (hypothetical) wage earning classes.

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