Today's the day

By sheilwill

Melanie and Tim

Today's the day ....................... to travel

A long drive home from the very south west tip of Wales to the southwest tip of Scotland.  It all went according to plan with no hold-ups, although driving conditions on the M6 this afternoon were rather dire.  But that was because of the heavy rain and the spray from the lorries.

The highlight of the day was to see Tim, Melanie and Dominic's new house at Burton-in-Kendal - and to meet the new addition to the family, Holly the dog.  The house is lovely and it has been such a good move for them.   It's a great place to bring up a family and Dominic has settled well into the village school.  We're so happy for them.

Dominic has come home with us for a few days holiday before his Dad comes to collect him at the weekend.  So we will have a couple of days this week (and a sleepover) when all three cousins will be together with us.  That will keep us on our toes ........................! 


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