Birthday scones.

This morning I had 30 cheese scones in the oven before 8am. Its Joan's birthday today. She doesn't do cake. But she loves cheese scones. So we snuck past her window and put up birthday banners on her back door and windows and hung balloons up. Then the wildlings sang her happy birthday when she answered the door. They gave her jars of honey  and scones for her presents. She loves honey. And it's tradition that we bake her scones on her birthday.  

We then all got ready and went on a blackberry picking walk with two of the neighbour kids and their mum. We all got a great haul. Those will be made into a crumble hopefully tomorrow.  

Then just home in time for my friend Julie coming round.  I haven't seen her in about a year . So we had a fantastic catch up. She bounced on the trampoline with the wildlings and came down to the park too. 

The Jedi has started the terrible twos. Yes he will be 4 in a few months but his development is delayed.  He has been hard work at times today. But then he's also came out with a few crackers and made me laugh. ... " I'm playing with my winkie ".... erm it's a slinky in your hands son. He's also called me Mrs elf the last two days and keeps asking me to blow my horn. His new cartoon at the moment is Ben and Holly.  

It's been a lovely day. 

Oh and he can now go down the fire pole at the park. The boys were a lot older when they started this 

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