Broken Dishwasher :-(

Unusual beeps
heralding dirty dishes
and manual search.

SO the dishwasher did some weird beeps and LED flashes, the dishes were not cleaned and everything had to be removed and washed by hand.  Funny how much of a drag this seems.  Way worse than having to wash things up as you go along.  Anyway, manual says it's a flooding issue, sounds serious.. engineer booked for tomorrow.  I then had a social worker meeting which was OK, she's new and I'm still getting to know her and then immediately afterwards I had a call with Ben's new teacher for next year to discuss his timetable.  It was lengthy but I think it has given him a flavour of what will work for Ben.  I managed a nice long walk in the woods with Leo before Ben came back from his 4 hours with the PAs.  It was lovely to be out in the fresh air after having had to be so 'on' with the social worker and the teacher.  The afternoon feels like it has mostly been cooking and then washing up :-D  Oh actually I cleaned the washing machine drawer.  Eew.  Let's never speak of how disgusting that was :-/  So that's it for today.

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