Blue Spark

It's been wild, windy, and wet for most of the day. My blip was taken when the sun  appeared very briefly at about 6pm . It is of one of my Achimenes plants called Blue Spark, although it looks more purple than blue to me.
Earlier, but I  had uke class closely followed by Pilates class. This evening we listened to the Prom concert featuring Felix Klieser playing Mozart's 4th Horn Concerto. It's a popular piece, but what made this performance particularly remarkable was that Felix was born without arms, and plays the French Horn using his toes/feet! 

Then my sister phoned and we had a long chat( as we  so frequently do)  about our Mother and our Aunt. At least a very capable Palliative Care nurse is liaising with us over our Aunt's care. She has phoned each of us now,  and explains everything  very clearly and honestly, which is exactly what we need.


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