Plot produce

I made Bombay potato & spinach pies, with beetroot & pistachio raita, & tomato, onion, & coriander relish for dinner tonight. Onions drying in the greenhouse, tumbler tomatoes, & mint from the garden at home. It was very satisfying to use so much of my homegrown produce to make a meal.
A miserable day, full waterproofs for this mornings walk on the heath. Mum & I had a chat about tomorrow's memory clinic appointment, shortly afterwards I came across one of her nightdresses, damp from being laundered, rolled up in a ball in a kitchen cupboard. We compiled a shopping list for tomorrow.
I left Mum's, drove back up to the heath & picked blackberries.
Up to Chudleigh, collected Mum's prescription, no idea what is going on at the chemist's. It was a Lloyd's pharmacy but been sold apparently, there are very few items on the shelves, & today there was a notice on the door informing customers they could only pay by card for any transactions. I stocked up on peanuts from the pet shop for the woodpecker, plus 3 Bramley apples from the greengrocers. How much?!! Flippin' 'eck!!! Think I' ll be looking for windfalls if I need any in the future.

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