Next time
Josie suggests going to IKEA I might remind her of today's visit. A damp day, kids on school holidays, where to go? Ikea. We were going to do coffee before browsing, but the queue. Nah! We'll do a lap then hopefully the queue will shorter... Wrong! We made our purchases, then headed across to St Bridget's nursery/garden centre. Dead as a dodo! I don't think I have ever visited a garden centre so quiet. 2 customers in the coffee shop. No queue. Our food order did'nt "deliver". No mention of cheese in the filling, but cheese when it arrived, which unfortunately I do not eat, so I asked the cafe staff if it should have cheese.. "Yes". So I pointed out that there was no mention of cheese on the Specials board. One of the staff offered a refund which we accepted. We drive back to the allotment where I loaded Jos up with runner beans, courgettes, potatoes, & beetroot.
Earlier, I got caught in a short, sharp, shower walking up to the plot, after pegging the bedding out on the line. I lifted potatoes, raked the ground over, then applied general fertiliser in readiness for the leeks.
Down to CK, walking Indie, phone rang, private number, I picked up, it was Michelle from the Memory clinic reminding me of our appointment on Thursday. I told her I was worried Mum might get upset at our meeting. "Oh, I've just spoken to your Mum and she seems fine about it" . They had'nt updated their records to contact me first..
Then I was checking the blackberry crop on the heath, turned to check on Indie.... She was busy rolling in something rather smelly... Yuk!!! I rang Mum & asked her to get a bucket & shampoo ready for our return. She was a little confused, & agitated by the earlier phonecall. The appointment is very necessary so I hope Mum does'nt find it too upsetting. Josie's mum had dementia, having to go into a home latterly so is very knowledgeable but obviously still finds it upsetting to talk about.
Yes, a spa day, sounds good.
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