
Conor is such a cheery wee soul. For the past few days when he's woken for what is I suppose is his first feed of the day, rather than his last feed of the night as it feels like to me, he has made it very clear that he wants to play. And he tends to be awake for most of the afternoon now, most of which he spends smiling.

We headed to Greenwich today. We had some tea and cake in the Waterstone's cafe and then purchased some books. Orla chose one herself, an Oxford Reading Tree book about a cat getting stuck in a tree. We bought some picnic stuff from M&S then went and sat in the park. We read Orla's new book and I was really impressed at how much of it she was able to read herself. There's a lot of comprehension there, it seems as though something has suddenly clicked about reading.

After lunch we headed to the playground. I told Orla that there were 2 rules - stay where I can see you and don't kick off when I say it's time to leave. She was very good on both counts, and wanted to know if I was proud of her (of course!).

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