Bird bath

Over a year ago I found exactly the bird bath I wanted.

It was at the normally overpriced garden centre that seems to be full of footballers wives types. Personalised number plates and enormous flashy vehicles are to be seen.

But they are very friendly and helpful. My bird bath was (plaster imitating) stone and clearly neglected and unfashionable. I was very pleased with myself having spotted it, and persuaded the young guy working there to manhandle it to my car.

I put it in my garden proudly and filled it up.

And it was ignored.

Months went by, and none of my feathered friends went near it. 

A few weeks ago they discovered it.
I put fresh, clean water in it daily.
And even Squizzer has been known to pop in for a drink.

My camera wasn’t to hand when the nuthatch tried it out.

So I had to make do with a tit…….

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