Bye Bye Baby

After the strong rebuke from the doctor on Monday, this is the last jelly baby I shall eat. At least, until my blood sugar levels return to normal. Which may not happen for some time if I’m being honest.
I’ve cut a lot of sugar and carbs out of my diet over the past few years, but obviously not enough. I do have a very sweet tooth and the jelly babies were my way feeding the cravings whilst telling myself it was only one jelly baby, how much damage could that do? Quite a lot it would seem, though the fact that I’ve gone from one packet a week to two or three packets a week in the last three years might have something to do with it!
I spotted a tub of small smoked ham pieces in Asda and am hoping these might be a suitable alternative to nibble on when the urge to have something sweet grips me. The fact that they have only 1.4g of sugar per 100g, as opposed to the 72.9g per 100g of the jelly babies has to be a positive.
Of course, it is entirely possible that I won’t actually live any longer by eating more sensibly. But it will probably feel like it…

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