Mojo Rising

More odd errands, then a trip to the Col des Montets.
I figured I'd do the short loop of the alpine flower reserve.
I know this area exceptionally well - it's somewhere I've worked and played for many years - it holds a place in my heart. From the flanks of La Remuaz I could see across to higher mountains, places once oh so special.
The last few years - the fiasco of Brexshit, the destruction of mine and many other British mountain professionals careers, the pandemic, personal injuries, time given to study, the development of Wellness Walks - they've all combined to make me question whether I really still want to be here. Truth be told fellow blipper I've felt a mix of anger, bitterness and grief for far too long, I've started to wonder if it had killed the joy I used to find so readily here.
As I descended to where I'd parked the car, without any real conscious thought,  I just kept going. The direct route up to the Aiguillette des Posettes is a fantastically steep trail, it rises 750m in elevation over 1500m in distance. I really pushed, I guess subconsciously I wanted to feel the effort, to know I could still be quick - at least up. The guidebook time is 2.5 hours, I did it in half. By the time I reached the rocky summit I was breathing hard, soaked in sweat but  grinning from ear to ear. I spent a while looking outward, recognising old friends, remembering the good summits and some others less so, some done with lifelong friends others with complete strangers, the way of the mountains.
For a long while now down has been both slower and more painful than up - but I surprised myself and came down slightly quicker than I ascended, a small win. Some pain, but nothing like the last time I was on these trails. I might feel differently tomorrow lol.
Soon my studies will be complete - and I've known for a while the next task will be to regain my fitness to really conquer, or at least learn to manage, my new foot bio-mechanics. At times I've not known if I'd have the mojo to do it. Today I got a little closer to knowing I can, and remembering why that matters to me.

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