Breakfast is Served

We had an unexpected visitor right before bed last night. Hubby looked up and a very large adult raccoon was heading toward the canopy area where he was sitting. It was not at all aggressive so we are not concerned about it having rabies. He visited again later and rummaged through our recycling bag of kitty food cans/plastic containers. Hubby made us a delicious country sausage breakfast; we enjoyed it in the screen house. When we decided to become campers, we agreed that he would share the cooking/cleaning duties, and he has. It was overcast most of the day and rained a bit which was fine; we enjoyed reading. We sat outside, me in long pants, a hoodie and my blanket in August! I’d much rather have overcast/chilly to sunny and hot any day. The threat of rain limited my blip opportunities. A pair of cardinals found the bird feeder and visited it often. Two gray squirrels, one with a very red tail, have entertained us. Who needs to watch tv with so much to see live? We’ll have the rest of our taco salad stuff so no other cooking required. I hope your day has been just as quiet and peaceful. Stay safe. Thanks for stopping by. “What nicer thing can you do for somebody than make them breakfast?” - Anthony Bourdain

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