Art, Geometry And Balance

On This Day In History
1753: George Washington becomes a Master Mason

Quote Of The Day
"Freemasonry is founded on the immutable laws of Truth and Justice and its grand object is to promote the happiness of the human race."
(George Washington)

No need for strengthening the central pillar system on this building. No need, either, for a reliance sedentary residents of light build. I never cease to be impressed by the high standards of modern architecture in Japan, at least in terms of safety (aesthetics is a subjective matter and so open for debate.) Even during earthquakes with a magnitude of seven or eight, most modern buildings remain standing and casualty figures are impressively low.

Apologies for using the J.J.Abrams mix of this photo as my main, but I think it looks a bit more artistic. I've added the B.B.C. News mix for clarity as an extra.

The Architect Sketch

The Magic Flute - Queen Of The Night Aria 

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