By lizzie_birkett


Amelia was in a figure skating competition in Ayr today and came 1st! She has been on the podium before but with a 2nd or 3rd position. She is over the moon. This was the last competition wearing this dress as she will start a new programme soon which requires a dress in keeping with the theme.

Last night I felt cold and shivery again and my temp went up to 38.8, I’d had a bad headache all day. I went to bed and ended up sleeping ‘scantily clad’ (not a pretty sight! ) and throwing the covers off, I was so hot. Sometime in the night I put my jammies back on but by morning I was shivery again and had had a headache - when I got up my temp was 38.7 and by 1pm it had gone down to 37.4 after taking paracetamol. I had to miss choir.
I slept all afternoon and now feel a bit better. 

Goodnight :-) X

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