By lizzie_birkett

A Portrait of the Artist…

…Tonya with the only art work of hers that she could fit in her suitcase. It’s an oil painting. She is very talented. The extra is one of the little Hindu dolls she makes, again she could only bring one with her.

We had another busy day.
First this morning we opened bank accounts for Tonya and Yurii on-line and did the National Insurance, then tried to register with the job centre on line but we couldn’t understand some of it so as we had to show there passports to the bank I said come on lets just get on the bus and go there in person - fully expecting to be turned away and told to make an appointment.
How wrong was I! We couldn't have wished for more friendly, kind and helpful people, both in the bank and the job centre.
The lovely man at the Job Centre took us over to a computer and showed us what to do then popped back every few minutes to check on us and help. It’s much better dealing face to face, I was nearly tearing my hair out on all these Gov.UK sites that sent me forms by email which wouldn’t allow me to fill them in!
Anyway, mostly sorted now. However we did miss the bus home as it all took so long, so Frank had to come and pick us up.

Yesterdays poem - sorry about the naughty word! :-D))

Naughty Moggie!

A cat comes in our garden 
Every night
Digs up my tatties
And does a shite!

Todays poem:

Red Tape

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The red tape

Sorry I haven’t been able to reply to all your comments but I have read them all ❤️
Goodnight :-) X

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