
I need to remember to take photos in the morning on dialysis days, as I'm so tired when I get home that I can't think of anything, hence, again no blip last night.  I drove myself to and from dialysis yesterday and it was okay.  I had to be very careful to focus on the drive home, but it was uneventful.  Tomorrow I'm going to check out the building parking lot to see if I could bear to park there on a busy weekday.  The dialysis itself went smoothly, but again I was dreadfully uncomfortable.  I haven't found the right combination of pillows, cushions and blankets to make that chair bearable.  I've ordered a duffel bag from Amazon so I'll have more places to stow what I might need.

No Twinsday today, as Lex and the Pastelerinas are off for a week of painting in the great outdoors.  The member who now lives in Texas flew in yesterday and Lex picked her up at the airport.  I hope it turns out to be delightful.

Nothing happening here today, as I'm still very tired.  But a trip to the terrace showed that the tomatoes are here in their hundreds on the many pea patch containers, such as this one.

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