
By dreaming

A rare sight

Sylvie has been living under the bed for quite a while now.  She comes out only to eat and use the litterbox and then disappears again.  Yesterday she suddenly appeared and was acting friendly, actually coming up into my arms when I was at the computer.  Today we were back to living under the bed, so I was surprised when I came back from getting the mail to see her on top of the bed.  So I captured it,  because who knows when she'll do it again.

An up and down day.  The down was my accidentally giving myself an infiltration at dialysis, which led to my having to stop early and dealing with a painfully swollen arm.  On the plus side, I watched two really exciting Olympic finals while there, the men's 1500 meters and the women's 200 meters.  Unexpected outcomes and thrilling moves were marvelous.  If you've not seen them, perhaps you could find replays to watch.  Getting tired now, so I'm thinking about an early bedtime.

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