Freegle is amazing!

With Freegle, or Freecycle as it used to be called, you can advertise things that you would be throwing away otherwise. They are free to whoever contacts you as being interested and you can also respond to others and pick up things that you could use but they no longer need.

I thought I'd show you what I got today, amazing. No, not Jonty, what are you thinking of, it's the motorcycle jacket!
This is probably between 300 and 400 pounds worth of jacket but the people are having a clear out and throwing stuff out, or giving away via Freegle.

I had to alter this photograph quite a lot, brightness and contrast mainly, because the main point of it is the jacket and you couldn't see it in the original iPhone photograph, it was just black.

There was also a ladies jacket which no-one else had responded to them for so I took it in case Julia or Johanna fancies a 'Backie' on the pillion when I get the GSX750FK on the road!

Brilliant or what !

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