
By Beewriter


Well thank goodness Wednesday is over, it is always busy busy busy. The sun eventually came out at lunchtime but it also means that my hayfever is now driving me mad. I did get a nice surprise this afternoon, though...Jude sent me a text inviting me for tea. I walked round so that I could have a glass of wine. David and Maria were there too and we all had a good old chat. It is so nice to have someone else cook for me.

We did manage sit outside for a glass of wine and Jude's cat, Peaches, came to join us. I hadn't taken a photo all day and with the soporific effect of alcohol starting to kick in I decided that it was now or never, so she became the blip of the day.

I'm now watching The Apprentice and cringing at the ineptness of the muppets who think they are good at business. I'd fire them all!

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